We must have a clear diplomatic line that does not confuse our friends and realistically calls out those nations that act in destabilizing ways. 美国必须有一个明确的外交路线;美国需要直面中国在南海问题上对美造成的压力。
By applying relevance theory to make account of diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation, the thesis concludes that diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation is an act of ostensive-inferential communication. 本文经过对外交模糊语言的翻译进行了关联理论的解释后,认为外交模糊语言的翻译本质上也是交际,进一步说是一个明示-推理的交际过程。
In my analysis, I propose the best way to resolve Sino-U.S. textile trade friction is that diplomatic negotiations and consultation should act as the principal way and legal means as supplementary one. 笔者在分析比较之后,提出以外交谈判与协商为主、法律手段为辅,是近期中美纺织品贸易摩擦的最佳解决途径。